...see, I follow Jessie James Decker's friend and makeup artist, Jessica on Instagram and today, she posted an image lamenting the dating prospects of the modern woman living in Los Angeles. Scrolling through the comments, I saw woman after woman confirm that it isn't just LA, it's everywhere. And I thought to myself, Didn't I just watch this episode of Sex and the City yesterday? Didn't Carrie Bradshaw at one point write a column asking where all the good men had gone?
Here we are, a decade after that show began, watching reruns of it on E! and Style and yet somehow, we're still dealing with the same ponderous issues as Carrie, Samantha, Miranda and Charlotte. And why? How is it that despite making infinite societal advances in the last ten years, strong, independent women are still wondering why in the hell there are no good men out there in the world?
Is it just that we're living longer and men already mature later as it is so they have adopted the attitude that they don't really need to be grownups until they hit their 40's?
What is it that has those of us in our 20's and 30's and looking to date meeting this perpetual string of douchebags, players and manchildren? And where are they keeping those select few gems that our girlfriends meet randomly and end up marrying?
I mean, don't get me wrong. I'm 22 years old and about to graduate from college. I'm fully aware of what other girls my age are like. I'm not saying I'm somehow better or anything, but I certainly have a different set of priorities than a significant number of my peers. So how is it that despite not going out and being that girl every night, I still can't meet a decent human being of the male persuasion? And how is it that all of those women commenting on Jessica's photo can't either?
To quote Jack Johnson, where'd all the good people go?