I'm sorry guys. This has been a rough week. I started this post on Friday like I was supposed to and then totally blew it off in my sick daze. I don't know where these weeks keep going. It literally feels like Monday. I suppose being completely dead to world, sick, can do that to you though, I suppose. After a week of being in death zone, I'm feeling a lot better but I still have a disgusting bark of a cough and I'm feeling kind of feverish and uncomfortable. All I want to do lately is go home, shower and get back in bed with Sons of Anarchy on my laptop.
Number One: Sons of Anarchy is my new show. This should come as NO surprise to anyone. I resisted watching for sooooo long and it never appealed to me. And then on Monday, I watched all of season one of Duck Dynasty on Amazon Prime and they had no more. So I went on to Sons of Anarchy and I'm hooked, guys. I can't help it. It's so good and all the drama isn't annoying Gossip Girl stuff, either. It's a really good, well written and well thought out show. I'm in heaven with 3 more seasons to go before I'm caught up.

Number Two: You know that taste of apple cider when you're sitting around a campfire? Where it tastes so much better than it does anywhere else, any other time that you try and drink it? If you don't, go camping. If you do, I have good news for you. It's called an Apple Chai and it lives at Starbucks. It isn't on the menu anymore but your barista should know how to make it. If not, it's a steamed apple juice with chai spice in it. If they ask how many, just tell them you want the normal amount that they do with the size you ordered (grande is 4 pumps, just so you know). It's delicious. And it literally tastes like that magical camping cider.
Number Three: Football season is the loneliest of sports seasons. I don't have a football team. NFL that is. All my friends are blowing up Instagram with 49ers and Colts posts and I'm over here like, "Woot! Go 'Bama!" It makes for an interesting dynamic. I don't have any friends up here who are Alabama fans so I can't be all cool and go to games and tailgate. The struggle is real, friends.
Number Four: I've already picked out my next hair color. Yes, I literally just redid my ombre last month. BUT hey, you always have to know what your next move is, right? It's gonna go a little something like this:
Number Five: This video of Charlie Hunnam on Conan O'Brien has been cracking me up all week. I initially searched him on YouTube because I read he's English in real life. Let's be real guys...his accent is friggin weird. It isn't so much English as Jax Teller with an odd sense of timing and inflection. He doesn't have that inherently fancy British accent like Benedict Cumberbatch or What'shisface who plays Sherlock Holmes on Elementary. I watched it two days ago and every time I think of it, I have a little chuckle to myself because he is just so casual about his "weapons" and confronting burglars. "Unfortunately I only have one weapon in each room of my house." You been playing Jax too long, boy.
Number Six: Those "take at a certain time" medicine prescriptions are bullshit. I have had my scrip for a week and I have not once taken it on time. It's been roundabouts seven every time....but never on time. Why do I need to take it exactly 12 hours apart, anyway?? I mean I've been stuffed up for a week, my right sinus is still bleeding every time I blow my nose, how is amoxicillin every TWELVE hours going to fix that? I answer myself, it isn't. I feel less like a mack truck hit me and more like a disgusting snot ball...so I guess that was good. But still. Take twice a day, whenever you feel like it, seems like good enough instructions to me.
FINALLY, swear this has been the longest post coming. It was HARD coming up with seven things to talk about this week. Which is sad because I am sure that seven things worth talking about did, in fact happen, I just can't remember them. Don't do drugs, kids. It's bad.
Number Seven: Sleepy Hollow! SO GOOD! GAH! CAN'T MAKE WORDS. Basically, for someone who likes creepy crime shows, AND period pieces, HOME RUN. Although, I have distinct memories of watching the Disney rendition of the Legend of Sleepy Hollow as a kid and Ichabod Crane was not nearly as hot or manly in that one. He was a useless, dweeby school teacher who was in love with a blonde girl he couldn't have. The whole thing was just...sad. This Ichabod is A. HOT and B. decidedly more British and weapon-wielding, therefore making him much better at kicking headless horseman ass and not ending up dead like he does in the Disney version too.
Wellp, that's all folks. That's all my little snot-filled brain can handle right now. Better late than never, right?
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