Friday, April 18, 2014

Dreaming of Punta Cana

Hey guys, I know I promised to have this up days ago...but I just started a new job, I'm still at my internship and school is wrapping up which means I have an unbelievable amount of stuff going on right now. 

In fact, I'm literally tapping this out on my iphone in my car on my lunch break at work. That's how sad my life is right now, compared to literally a week ago when I was in the Dominican Republic. How the mighty have fallen. 

Anyway, on to tales of far off lands. So I'm not sure if I told you guys that I was even going to the Dominican and if so, for why. So we shall start there. My mom is a Pampered Chef consultant. Each year they earn incentive trips based on points earned for sales and recruiting. This year's trip was to the Dominican Republic. 

As we all know, and I am growing painfully more aware of as the days tick by, I graduate in a little over a month. And as my mom (who doesn't really travel well) is hemming and hawing over whether or not she wants to go, I chime in with, "Uh, maybe take the kid who is graduating from college this year and hasn't gotten to go on one of these trips yet."

And just like that, I was in. So we left two weeks ago today and flew to Miami where we spent the night before flying into Punta Cana on Saturday morning. 

As usual, the flights sucked, I got stuck in the middle seat, blah blah blah. But once we landed, I was in love.

The airport is thatched. Yes, thatched. Or at least the roof is. And even though it's hotter than anything California kids like me are used to, there are fans everywhere and music and friendly ass people greeting you. 

See, wasn't lying. THATCHED ROOF! How awesomely tropical is that?!

The bus trip to the Hard Rock Hotel and Casino Resort (where we stayed) is about a half hour through Punta Cana. Not too bad, not too much to see, really skinny roads and a lot of people on Vespas. 

The resort itself is absolutely gorgeous. I think it's 121 acres or so of gorgeously manicured grounds and beautiful, airy buildings. Plus 7 pools and direct beach access. 

Needless to say, because it was all inclusive, we didn't leave. But then again, I can't see why you would anyway with a property that gorgeous. 

What I actually did on the trip wasn't all that fascinating. I was on vacation, I didn't do much. I slept in, ate whenever I felt compelled to do so, lounged by the pool, went to the beach, and went out every night to the two bars they have in the hotel. 

I think what really struck me the most was just how relaxed and happy I was there. If you know me, you definitely know that those are not words that I toss around lightly. I'm a stress case and spend a good deal of time pretty irritated at school or work. While I'm workin on having a life, it's not really likely with a 40 hour work week and a full school schedule. 

Anyway, I'm just going to shut up and let you look at the pictures. Don't mind my makeuplessness. Let's be real, it was too damn hot there to bother. Enjoy! 

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