Wednesday, May 28, 2014

That Time I Decided to Become a Wine-O

Well, not really. Although I do have a newfound appreciation for wine. 

ANYWAY, last Sunday, my mom got some tickets to a local wine tasting event up in the Pleasant Valley and I got to bring a few of my girlfriends with me. We had a great time trying different wines and spending time together which happens very rarely since we're spread all over the state right now. 

We hit five different wineries and tried endless glasses but in the end, I came home with a new bottle of Chardonnay (which I didn't think I liked at all) and some of the most delicious olive oil I've ever tasted in my life. Once I move later this summer, I will most certainly be breaking that out to cook with :)

Long story short, I really haven't had a day that good in a long time and I think the girls and I decided that we're going to try to get together to hit up one of the events that our favorite winery does during the summer. If we do, trust me, there will be pictures. 

Here are a few of the pictures from Sunday. Obviously, they're from someone else's phone because mine just hates me. 

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