Saturday, August 16, 2014

Beauty hacks for the lazy girl

I do not claim, by any stretch of the imagination, to be any kind of beauty expert. However, in my decade long pursuit of cuteness, I have learned what does and what does not work for me as far as different products are concerned and so, I have thought I should share them with you just in case you too are of the lazy persuasion.

This first one might seem a little weird, but it definitely has worked for me and that's shaving my legs with Nair. Let me just say, I'm super lazy about shaving my legs. That probably sounds gross but to be fair, I have blonde hair on my legs and it takes forever to grow back, I'm talking like two weeks before I have noticeable stubble and a month before I can actually see the hairs. Because of this, I never really got into the habit of having to shave my legs regularly and so got really lazy about having to do it. My little sister actually recommended the Nair Brazilian Spa Clay formula to me a few months back and I used it traditionally a few times and was impressed with it. However, one morning while getting ready for an interview, I decided I really didn't have time to wait 10 minutes for the Nair to work and then scrub/rinse it off with the special sponge. Instead, I hopped into the tub after it had been on for about 3-5 minutes and started shaving, using the Nair as shaving cream. Because the formula had already started to go to work on my hair, shaving was much faster and it lasted even longer without stubble.

Alright, next is one that probably seems like more work, rather than a hack, but just go with me on this one. Fill in your eyebrows, ladies. Unless you have no eyebrows and have to literally draw them on with pencil, I think shadow is a whole lot more natural looking and my absolute favorite is MAC's Omega shadow. It has matched every single hair color I've had over the last 5 years (and there have been a lot, let me tell you) and I still have a ton of it left. Not only does filling in your brows make you look more polished overall, but I feel like it makes me rethink my eye makeup when I'm doing it.  Brows instantly make your face look for finished so you don't need as much eye makeup to complete your look. 

These are my top two beauty hacks that I stand by. I never shave my legs unless I use Nair and if I have makeup on, my brows are filled in. It's the third step in my routine and a must when putting on my face. 

Hope you enjoyed. Let me know if you have any hacks that you swear by as well. 

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