...After the weekend from Hell, I have decided that blogging is definitely going to be becoming a seriously more regular thing in my life.
This blog, thus far has had 3 names? 4 names? I can't even remember anymore. It's literally because I haven't been able to pin down what I want to write about. BUT I feel like with a name like "Perpetual Gypsytude" I can write about whatever the heck I want to since the term Gypsy in and of itself implies a connotation of constant movement and change. LOOPHOLE!
Anyway, tomorrow is the day that I get out of my apartment and that's when the room re-do series shall commence. I'll have before pics up with a short blurb tomorrow morning before my mom and I leave for the apartment complex.
And once I start to complete things, I'll do posts on each of those. Sooooo we shall see how all this works out. But I promise more things will be coming out and I will be writing a heck of a lot more regularly.
In fact I've decided that I will be sticking to a Monday, Wednesday, Friday schedule for sure with bonus posting on the weekends if I have anything to talk about...at least to start out with. That way I can train myself to take a more active role in blogging.
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