Thursday, October 17, 2013

It's the end of the week...let's fess up some things.

I started this blog last Saturday. It is now Wednesday. Epic fail on my part. But at least I got it up, right??

Guys, where is the year going?! I feel like it was just New Year's like yesterday and here we are, midway through October, watching Halloween movies and starting our Christmas shopping. Say whaaaaaaa?! So much has happened this year, too but I feel like it was all a blur. But as good as 2013 has been, I'm sure 2014 will be even better.

This past week has been an interesting one. I'm loving my internship. I have had quite a few stories published thus far and I'm pretty proud of myself. I need to buy a portfolio for them, though. I really should get better at being on top of promoting myself. But I'm just enjoying the experience right now. I really like my boss and the other intern and the people in the office are all super friendly. 

Best of all, I am definitely excited to be cutting down my hours at the hotel. Tomorrow and Wednesday mark my last full week here and after that, I'll only be trapped twice a week. Woohoo! You have no idea how much I need to be outta here. *Most* of the people are horrendous pieces of work. Ok, not most, but a significant enough number that I want to yank my hair out and scream life is too short repeatedly when they talk. 

But enough of my complaining, let's get into what I'm loving this week...and one undecided deal. 

Number One: Alright, let's start with a pumpkin spice tea that I've now added time into my schedule each morning to go downstairs and make for myself to start my day. I got it at Target because it was on price cut for $2.27 and it's the Sweet Harvest Pumpkin tea from Celestial Seasonings. I can't even describe how good it is. It's like a hug in a cup or something. I don't know that I will repurchase when I blow through this box but I'm enjoying every cup I make :)

Number Two: American Eagle's Knit Jeggings. I may have talked about them before, I may not have. I can't remember but these have rapidly become a wardrobe staple for me. So much so that I had to go into American Eagle on Thursday and buy another pair for myself (while wearing the first ones, I might add) because wearing the one I had four times a week wasn't conducive to looking like I actually have a cute butt. They are the most comfortable pants that I have ever owned in my entire life and they're super flattering. Considering I live in yoga and sweatpants when I'm not at work, to say these are as comfortable if not more so than my yoga pants is serious business guys, and they are. I'm thinking I'll be putting up a styling post for them soon considering how often I wear them in my week so at some point, you'll see them in action. 

Number Three: House of Hades. So you may or may not know that I'm a borderline buff when it comes to Greek, Roman, and Egyptian Mythology. Full blown nerd status, to be honest. And I got into the Percy Jackson series of books in 2010 when I was on a family trip to Disneyworld. I bought the first three books in a box set and proceeded to devour them in the seven days that we were in Florida, only to come home and finish the series of 5 books. Wellp, Rick Riordan did it again and came out with a Greco-Roman fusion series in which the kids from the Percy Jackson series team up with their Roman counterparts and thus far, I have read every single book that has come out. I'm currently reading the newest release, House of Hades (or at least trying to every spare second that I have) and I'm not disappointed. Unlike other book series that I have read, all of the pieces in the Heroes of Olympus collection are perfect stand alone books, as well as cohesive stepping stones to build the sum of the series, from The Lightning Thief to now. 
I will not, however be going to see the movie that is coming out. The first one ruined it for me.

Number FourTrendyTulip Designs on Etsy. I already own one of their quarter zip, monogrammed pullovers but I've got my eyes on another one because, well, when your initials are CEO, why wouldn't you slap your monogram all over everything? I'd initially asked my little sister to get it for me for Christmas but I want it now, so I will pretty much be ordering a carbon copy of the example on the shop site for myself to wear now that it's getting colder. Words cannot express how excited I am. 
Did I mention that it's Lily Pulitzer print?! I may not be in a sorority anymore, but I can get down like a sorority girl for SURE. 

Number Five: Pushing Daisies. Ok, so to be honest, this show came out when I was still in high school. I think I was a freshman when it premiered. But I loved it then and somehow lost track of it in the course of the second season. I won't lie to you and tell you that I frequently put it on to watch when I have nothing else going on television wise. I do have to wait some time between viewings though. When you've seen the episodes as many times as I have, you tend to get bored really quickly. 

Number Six: MonroeandHarlow. I have never been a fan of hippie headbands or wearing a headwrap or anything of that nature. However, in a recent attempt to be more girly, I decided to purchase some from their website last week and I can't wait to get them. Now when my hair is being annoying and misbehaving, I can pull one of these cute little turban-y headbands on and look like I tried for the day. 

Number Seven: Plum Nail Polish. Orly's Plum Noir to be exact. Now that it is supposedly fall, I have gotten more into the darker nail polish thing but on my albino skin, black is a little much. So I've been rocking Plum Noir as a nice alternative. It's dark but it isn't black and plum is a little bit girlier anyway. 

The Eh Experience: Once Upon a Time in Wonderland. I wasn't sure how I would feel about this new series from the creators of Once Upon a Time when I first saw the commercials. I mean, I love Alice in Wonderland, but I wasn't sure how I'd feel now that Once Upon a Time, the original has gone a bit downhill in plotline and execution. Frankly, if it makes it past season 4, I would be shocked. Anyway, I watched the first episode of Once Upon a Time in Wonderland, and to be frank, its an even bigger mess than its predecessor. I may give the second episode a shot...but the pilot wasn't very good at all. 

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