With any luck, I'll get a good blog post out of it. If not, I hear there's a beer garden of some sort there. If it gets super boring, I'll just get a really big beer and cruise around doing that instead of listening to a spirit band.
I decided not to do a fess up again so soon since it literally took me until yesterday to get last week's up. If I was though, Reign would for sure be a part of my fess up for this week.
The premiere was fantastic. I finally watched it today while I was attempting to work on my room and get some pictures and things hung up. Which I did, quite successfully. Now I just need to get the rest of my crap put away or given away so my room is livable for real and not just livable if you're used to living in mess from 16 or so years of practice doing it.
I've made a resolution for myself to complete things more often. Like my room, this blog (how are we feeling about the new title, by the way? It's a little plain but I made it myself and therefore, I feel like I should be proud of it.), and my Tumblr which I frequently change the theme and music of but always consistently post pictures that I like.
Anyway, just a quick little ramble for this Friday night when I have nothing better to do than sit around in my room and wait for the sun to come up tomorrow. Cheers.
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