Saturday, May 31, 2014


So I have a confession to make. The amount of girly, fashion blogs that I follow is a little obscene. I have my favorite blogs of course, but I follow a number of them and check them ALL on my Bloglovin app every morning when I wake up. 

Recently, I've been reading and seeing her #100HappyDays posts on Instagram. Well, being the curious human I am, I decided I wanted to know what all the fuss was about and I googled. 

Wellp, I was sold when I read the challenge description and decided that I'll start tomorrow with the first of the month. I've already invited all my girlfriends to try it too. You can join me by clicking the link here: 

I'm really excited to seek out happiness in each and every day and can't wait to document those little moments that made me smile. 

Cheers to ONE HUNDRED days of Happiness. And hopefully many more. 

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

That Time I Decided to Become a Wine-O

Well, not really. Although I do have a newfound appreciation for wine. 

ANYWAY, last Sunday, my mom got some tickets to a local wine tasting event up in the Pleasant Valley and I got to bring a few of my girlfriends with me. We had a great time trying different wines and spending time together which happens very rarely since we're spread all over the state right now. 

We hit five different wineries and tried endless glasses but in the end, I came home with a new bottle of Chardonnay (which I didn't think I liked at all) and some of the most delicious olive oil I've ever tasted in my life. Once I move later this summer, I will most certainly be breaking that out to cook with :)

Long story short, I really haven't had a day that good in a long time and I think the girls and I decided that we're going to try to get together to hit up one of the events that our favorite winery does during the summer. If we do, trust me, there will be pictures. 

Here are a few of the pictures from Sunday. Obviously, they're from someone else's phone because mine just hates me. 

Finally Graduating from College

Does anyone else remember the scene in Stuart Little when George (who was Jonathan Lipnicki back when he was little and cute) comes running downstairs yelling, "It's today! It's today!", excited by the prospect of his new sibling? That was my exact feeling on graduation day last week. After five years of school, which had a good measure of drama and nonsense squeezed in there amid work and school obligations, the phrase, "I'm done" has never felt quite as real as it did on the day I graduated from school.

Mind you, I was never a school kind of person, anyway. I love knowing things, I love learning, but I hate doing it in a classroom. I will read till the cows come home and camp out in front of the History Channel for an entire afternoon (anyone else psyched about the World War special they've had on all weekend? You know I was watching it!), but the second it becomes about a class, I'm over it. I've always been that way. My mother, my professors and my friends have been bemoaning my "laziness" for years. "You have so much potential, you just don't apply yourself." Blah ,blah, blah. Whatever man, I'm a graduate now!

My best friend came up from the Bay Area to watch me graduate, and then left immediately after because he had a wedding to be at...old people responsibilities. And the rest of us went to happy hour at a local sushi restaurant, which is pictured below after my aunts/uncles had a bit too much.

The ceremony itself was awful. I hate crowds, I hate being hot, and I hate sitting for long periods of time listening to other people talk. Or, in a word, commencement. But, me, and my family actually, all knew that it was something we had to do, so we made it through it. Either way, I never have to go back to school again!

Here are some pictures from the day, because of course, I had my phone with me to take pictures while I was sitting, being bored.

Glad I could share the experience with my family and friends. It was a great weekend and I'm ready to start the rest of my life now ;)

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Slight Hiatus and Some Changes

Well guys, I finally did it. I graduate from college in TWO DAYS! Just TWO. I'm decorating my cap as we speak in finishing up some online activities for literally the worst class ever right now. And then it is all over. I start a big girl job and a big girl schedule...although where that job will be is a bit up in the air right now since I had a great first interview on Monday with a followup for next Wednesday and a whole lot of other lines out there, trying to get a bite. HOPEFULLY within the next month, I'll be posting great news that I have a new job and be over the moon about it.

Anyway, as far as graduation is concerned, I will most likely have one big super post up on Monday night. Unfortunately, I don't get Monday off at my job so after a weekend of graduation-related debauchery, I will be headed straight back to my job :/

Also, I'm planning to change a bunch of things about this blog now that I have less stress without school in the picture. This blog was originally intended to be about my last year in college, but unfortunately, my last year in college got in the way of the blog instead. So, now that school is over, I will definitely be posting more, creating new content and changing the name as well. Look forward to it, it's gonna be GREAT!