Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Breaking out of a rut...

Is it just me or has the last month been kind of a no go? Maybe because I've been on winter break and haven't seen a lot of my friends lately, or maybe its because I've recently cleaned a lot of the friends I had last year out of my life but I've just felt...off lately. Kind of alone, a little bit sad, and very isolated.

This doesn't suit me. I'm the kind of girl who needs to be doing things, going places, trying stuff. I can't be a mopey sad sack all the time. Then I just end up in a perpetual spiral of sad and boring.

With that being said, I'm working really hard to try and break out of that rut by trying new things. My first plan is to start up yoga. Under the recommendation of my chiropractor, I really need to get into some form of exercise to help out with my consistently sore lower back and shoulders. Since yoga is supposed to be relaxing and I am inherently a little ball of stress all the time, I figured that would be the best possible form of exercise for me to get into.

Apart from that, I don't really have any specific plans to get my life out of the rut other than trying things outside of my comfort zone. Dance classes, maybe new foods. Maybe I'll get a haircut, and I already have an appointment for new coloring. We'll have to see. Certainly I will be going out and doing things with my friends instead of sitting at home with Amazon Prime night after night. There's only so much you can binge watch old television show.

Breaking out of ruts is all about switching things up and trying new things and that's what I intend to do.

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