Wednesday, August 27, 2014

The Necessity of Girlfriends

As I usually start these blogs, I'm talking about one random thing or another, so how is a post inspired by Sex and the City any different, really? 

I want to talk about girlfriends and the quintessential group of girlfriends are the four beloved characters from Sex and the City. I defy you to find a better example of friendship and love anywhere in modern pop culture, literature or television. You can't. And so between Carrie, Miranda, Charlotte and Samantha, and this post by the lovely Jessica Sturdy of Bows and Sequins, I've been thinking about the importance of girlfriends in the life of a post college girl and beyond. 

One of the biggest problems with females today is that everyone seems to be out to get one another and use each other as a step to get to the next level. And why is that? Women have fought for equal treatment and position in the workforce and now that we're slowly but surely getting that, we're embarrassing ourselves by tearing each other to shreds both professionally and socially. In this hyper-competitive female world, a girl needs to surround herself with a solid group of people who better her, not bring her down. I firmly believe that what you allow into your life directly affects the way things turn out for you. 

To be totally honest with you, I spent the first two years of college trying to fit in with the "cool" girls and party and be one of the popular people I never was in high school. Then I turned 19 and realized that I had partied myself out and that while those girls were fun and nice enough in their own right, they brought an awful lot of drama into their lives, and mine by extension since I was listening to all of their bullshit. So, I made a decision that that wasn't what I wanted anymore. 

Over the last few years, I won't lie, I've walked away from a lot of friendships with women who did not bring anything to my life that made me grow or bettered my life at all. From constant lies and drama, to going behind my back or just getting over involved in my life. To me, if I wasn't getting out what I put in, it wasn't a worthy investment. The few that have survived challenge me, allow me to be myself, and tolerate me when I'm at my very bitchiest. They love me and are always there to support me when I need it, and even when I don't. I may not have a million girlfriends, but that's fine with me because the ones that I have I wouldn't trade for anything. 

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