Monday, September 30, 2013

Ever have one of those mornings?

Where despite the fact that you worked till 11 the night before at a job you can't stand, you stayed up late to watch one of your favorite shows, you have to get up at 6:40 to start your 12 hour day but it's a great freakin' day?

That's where I am today. I got up, got ready in what seemed like record time...perhaps considering my hair is FILTHY (darn you no free time from Saturday till Tuesday night) and I just put it into a bun so no one could tell...and then had time to make myself a mug of tea and dress myself relatively well for work and head off in a cloud of Sublime's self-titled album. The clouds in the sky only served to help my chipper little mood. I'm a fall girl. Always have been.

Just thought I'd share with you. Not all Mondays are bad. I'm sure I'll be grumpy catting it up in a week, but for now, I'm pretty content with life.

Cheers, friends. 

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